WACSSO is your representative voice within the Department of Education and in the broader community. We provide representation and services to more than 650 affiliated Parents and Citizens' (P&C) Associations in Western Australia. WACSSO also represents P&Cs on decision-making committees within the Department of Education, as well as to State and Federal Members of Parliament.

The State Council of WACSSO comprises a State Councillor from each electorate who represents affiliated school organisations. Councillors are available, by invitation, to attend P&C meetings to assist and advise where required.

Affiliates have the power to form a District Council to act as a local forum.

The decision-making body of WACSSO is Annual Conference. Each affiliate is entitled to be represented by two delegates and any number of observers. Conference determines WACSSO policy and is the forum for dealing with educational issues of a State or National context. 

A staffed office is located within the Department of Education building that provides P&C focused information service to affiliates.

WACSSO services to affiliates include:

  • A free P&C Training Program comprising face-to-face and webinar sessions, run by the WACSSO Training and Development Officer.
  • Regular information on educational issues in Western Australia and Australia.
  • Various publications and brochures on relevant issues in government schools, as well as methods to assist affiliates in running a P&C.
  • An e-Magazine, P&C Voice, which is distributed to all affiliated Associations and interested subscribers via email. To subscribe, please register here.
  • A fortnightly eNews publication containing lots of information, reminders, grant alerts, news and other relevant material. To subscribe, please register here.
  • Social media channels with a wealth of information (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)
  • Public Liability Insurance and Voluntary Personal Accident. The Public Liability Insurance will cover WACSSO affiliates for up to $20 million for any one incident where the P&C or Council is found liable. The Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance covers anyone volunteering on behalf of the P&C Association or WACSSO-affiliated organisation.
  • Insurance for canteens, uniform shops and workers compensation is available at competitive rates.

For more information about affiliation, please contact the WACSSO office.