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    WACSSO acknowledges Lisa Rodgers PSM

    14 June 2024

    The WA Council of State School Organisations, WACSSO, acknowledges and thanks Lisa Rodgers for her incredible leadership over the past 5 years. Her legacy at the helm of the WA Education Department will be enduring and we wish her all the very best for her exciting role with the Australian Council for Education Research.

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  • P&C Day WA logo

    P&C Day WA celebrates the power of volunteering in State Schools

    20 May 2024

    Friday 24 May is P&C Day WA. This day, created by WACSSO, is an official date in the Department of Education calendar and is designed to celebrate P&Cs across the State. Many community members will know of the vital work done by P&Cs. Typically, P&Cs provide schools with support, including fundraising, community events, classroom resources, running canteens and uniform shops, and, importantly, improving parent engagement with children’s education and building the school community. P&Cs also have special interest sub-committees that focus on, for example, a sport, the music program, fundraising, the school grounds, or school community engagement areas such as dad’s groups.

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    Improving conditions while maintaining parent engagement is key

    23 April 2024

    WACSSO supports the findings of the independent Facing the Facts Report, delivered at the end of 2023, and agrees that the conditions facing many teachers are sub-optimal. WACSSO also agrees that student outcomes will be improved if many of the recommendations outlined in the Facing the Facts Report are achieved. Critical to the WACSSO position is the role of parents in the education context. It is the WACSSO view that parents are partners in their child’s education and the best outcomes are achieved when parents, school staff and children work collaboratively. WACSSO encourages schools and school leaders to continue to run meetings outside of school hours, if these meetings are productive and yield positive community engagement results.

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A collection of publications and brochures are available. These feature information on relevant issues in public schools as well as methods to assist affiliates in running a P&C.

P&C Resources

Update your P&C's Details

It's a constitutional requirement that P&Cs update their contact details with WACSSO by April 30 each year. You should notify WACSSO of any changes to your executive committee. 

Update your P&C's Details now

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