Fundraising, Sponsorship & Grants

While P&Cs don’t solely exist to provide funds to schools, for many, this is one of the fulfilling services they deliver.

At last count, on average WA P&Cs donated an estimated cumulative total of almost $12 million and nearly 500,000 volunteer hours each year to Western Australian school communities, which is an incredible contribution!  

This page provides P&Cs with the right information they need to succeed in their fundraising endeavours.


Sponsorship is the right to associate the sponsor’s name, products or services with the sponsored P&C Association, in return for negotiated and specific benefits such as cash, in-kind support or promotional opportunities.

P&Cs are entitled to accept sponsorship or donations and acknowledge any contributions made to their school community. Please read the ‘Accepting Sponsorship Guide’ before launching into a sponsorship agreement. All sponsorship opportunities should be carefully considered before any commitment is made. 

If your P&C is interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities, check out this ‘P&C Sponsorship Proposal’ package.


We encourage P&Cs to always be on the lookout for available grants. Keeping in mind that all grant applications, whether for government or otherwise, should be approved via motion at either a general or an executive meeting.

As per the INC Guide (INC: A Guide for Incorporated Associations in Western Australia):

  • Applying for and receiving grants can contribute towards the costs of all kinds of initiatives and assist the furtherance of an association’s objects.
  • Lotterywest provides a variety of grants to not-for-profit organisations in Western Australia. These grants support initiatives that are for charitable or benevolent purposes.
  • Grant programs are available from both State and Commonwealth agencies and there are a variety of search programs and guides that will assist associations finding the right grant.

For information on grants, preparing grant submissions and finding the right grant for your association, visit the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s website.

Discover current grants on the Australian Government's grants information system, GrantConnect.


All WACSSO affiliated P&Cs receive insurance cover from GSK Insurance Brokers.

If your P&C is looking for a certificate of insurance or insurance advice, phone our main line (6210 0100) to be connected with Rachael (Account Manager) or Sharmaine (Claims Manager) at GSK. Alternatively, you can send an email to

Keep in mind, it is important that any stallholders who operate their own stall selling, displaying or providing an amusement should carry their own Liability Insurance. A copy of the stallholder's current Certificate of Insurance should be provided to the P&C. This does not include any P&C operated stalls.

In order for the activities of the fundraising to be protected by the Public Liability Insurance of the P&C, the activity needs to be approved by the general meeting of the P&C and recorded in the minutes. These activities may include meetings, canteen operations, fundraising events e.g. fetes, sausage sizzles, raffles, walk-a-thons etc. Please contact GSK Insurance to ensure that any activity the P&C is undertaking falls within the conditions of the policy. For more information on your insurance cover download the brochure. 

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

On 1 July 2017, the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor amalgamated with the Departments of Sport and Recreation, Culture and the Arts, and Local Government and Communities to form the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Here are some useful Departmental links:

Standard Lottery Policy

Information on the different gaming types

How to lodge an application for a lottery

Does your P&C need to look into local council permits?

When planning to hold an event on public land, P&Cs will need to check with their local council to ensure they have filled out the relevant permits (if necessary).

Organisers of events held on public land may have to lodge an application, or fill out a permit, to their local council for the proposed event. This includes proposals to hold public events on roads, parks, reserves and more. This is because many public events may have a significant impact on the public. This means event organisers will need to consider management of; noise, waste, risk, traffic, transport, pedestrian and stakeholders notification. Contact your council to discuss any requirements.

You may be interested in...

  • Australian Fundraising - Fundraising products and fundraising ideas for schools, clubs, child care and community groups. Join their mailing list for regular fundraising ideas. 
  • Fundraising Directory - Fundraising Directory's print and online resources make fundraising easier and more fun for volunteers. Sign up to their newsletter.
  • Australian Sports Foundation - Projects with the Sports Foundation are able to fundraise for anything that helps to develop sport, this could include: sporting equipment, team uniforms, team travel funds or even help cover the costs associated with employing coaches and managers.
  • Schools Plus - Schools Plus supports schools with an ICSEA value below 1000 (check the My School website to determine your eligibility) to raise funds in their community through a variety of ways including crowdfunding and Smart Giving. They also increase the connections with schools and donors. Explore their For Schools page to find out the best way Schools Plus can help your school.
  • GrantConnect - Information and applications for all current Australian Government grants are advertised on GrantConnect, the government’s grant information system.
  • Organising a fete? Check out the findings of the 2018 National Fete Research Project to help you plan a successful fundraising event.