Our State Council

The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO) State Council is made up of a 20 elected Councillors and a President, all of whom are volunteers.

WACSSO State Councillors are elected volunteers who represent P&C Associations within their electorate at the state level. The President of WACSSO is also a volunteer who is elected by, and from, the Council members to represent them as the organisation's leader. The State Council meets several times a year to discuss educational issues of interest to Parents and Citizens' Associations (P&Cs), determine the direction of WACSSO and to influence the broad direction of education for the benefit of students.

Being a State Councillor is a rewarding experience as you are able to make an active contribution to the government school system in WA as well as assist P&C Associations in undertaking their important work in schools.


Pania Turner


My name is Pania Turner and I am honoured to hold the role of the 28th President of the Western Australian Council for State School Organisations Inc (WACSSO), elected in September 2019.

I started with WACSSO in 2013 as the State Councillor for Esperance, however my connection to public education came long before that as parent of children being schooled in public education.

Being a parent of 7 children I have experience across a diversity of education options: primary, high school, district high school, SIDE, boarding at residential college and university. Each schooling experience has had its own rewards and specific challenges.

Although my home base is the Goldfields- Esperance Region as President I am proud to represent P&Cs across Western Australia. Our P&Cs support schools both large and small, metro based and out across the regions with each P&C striving to do their best for their school communities. It is my experience that although parents and families are diverse, we share the same desire for our children to be educated in schools and a public education system that will give children and young people every opportunity to achieve their potential.

Parents and carers are vital partners in education. Positive engagement with our schools enhances outcomes for our children. The P&C can provide an excellent platform where parents and community members may have a united voice on key topics, effect change, provide resources, and offer constructive feedback and solutions.

As WACSSO President I take the responsibility seriously to represent the voice of our affiliates. I seek to facilitate effective connections and networks and ensure that WACSSO provides good support to P&Cs helping them to engage well with their school communities.

If you would like to discuss any matters to do with WACSSO, parent organisations or education in Western Australia you can contact me by email or mobile.

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Julie Brooks

Senior Vice President - Great Southern

My name is Julie Brooks. I'm a mother to four amazing children aged 12 – 19 years old, wife to an incredibly supportive husband and juggler of an abundance of volunteer roles. 

I am a trained childcare worker, although I have not worked in this field for many years. I am passionate about building strong communities & dedicated to ensuring all areas of public education is inclusive and accessible to everyone. I assure you that what I lack in knowledge/skills, I more than make up for in enthusiasm & tenacity. 

I have been volunteering within P&Cs since 2007. Mcurrent P&C position is President at Albany Senior HigSchool P&C. I have been fortunate enough to hold various roles during this time, each with their own challenges and rewards. One of my favourites was being a fundraising coordinator where I got to facilitate many events, including a centenary.  

I am passionate about connectedness within communities and spend much of my time volunteering with local & state groups currently including Girl Guides WAAlbany Scout committee & Autism Support Network Albany.  

I am grateful to have the opportunity as WACSSO State Councillor to share the collective voices of the members of our Greater southern electorate (the affiliates) on matters relating to public education & issues being dealt with by State Council of WACSSOFeel free to invite me to your meetingor ask about WACSSOs role, I will endeavour to support you in the best of my capacity.

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Scott Mosey

Canning East

My name is Scott Mosey and I am fortunate enough to be the State Councillor for Canning East. I am the P&C President of Roleystone Community College where my two gorgeous kids, my son Riley and daughter Georgia attend.

I absolutely love everything about being a dad and I saw the P&C as an ability to give something back to not only my own children but also other children in my area. And of course, I see my role as a WACSSO State Councillor as an even bigger opportunity to continue that work.

I have consistently witnessed just what a tremendous and positive impact the P&C can have on not only the quality of education our children receive, but also on the entire schooling experience. By extension, WACSSO can have an even bigger impact as the voice for P&C's by being strong and unequivocal advocates for public education, championing the causes and concerns of our member P&C's and helping you to support your school's parents, principals, teachers, administrators and support staff.

My aim as Canning East Councillor is to facilitate strong and effective working relationships between all of the affiliated schools in our electorate. I want to help us share the incredible amount of knowledge and experience held within the various P&C's of Canning East and provide any support and assistance I can.

I commit to always demonstrating enthusiasm, passion and hard work. If I don't know the answer to a question that I get then I will make it my mission to quickly and efficiently get the answer and I will respond promptly and professionally to any and all calls for my assistance.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to represent the P&C's of the Canning East electorate and welcome invitations to attend your meetings and learn more about your P&C and the issues affecting you.


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Chelsea Walker

Canning West

My name is Chelsea Walker and am the WACSSO State Councillor for Canning West and a member of Caladenia Primary School Parents and Citizens’ Association.

I am a mum of 3 energetic boys ranging in ages from high school all the way through to kindy. I have been a member of the Caladenia Primary School P&C since 2014 and I spent 2021 as the P&C President, a role in which  I enjoyed immensely. I decided this year I wanted to be more actively involved in WACSSO and it came to my attention the State Councillor position for the Canning West electorate was currently vacant. My focus as State Councillor is to help create a strong connection between WACSSO and affiliates within the Canning West electorate and to support and guide you to achieving your goals as a P&C association.  

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Katherine Loader


My name is Katherine Loader and I am a member of the Esperance Primary School Parents and Citizens’ Association. I have two children at this school, one at Esperance Senior High School where I am a current board member.

I am a recently qualified primary school teacher with a focus on Early Childhood primarily. I am currently working as South Regional Tafe as a lecturer in Children’s Services/ Education Support. I am an advocate for quality education in schools and feel that my current work role and past experience can support me in supporting the organisation

From 2017-2019 I was the secretary on the Southern Cross District High School P&C as well as on the committee for Early Childhood Australia and a local childcare centre in Esperance.

As a WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the opinions of affiliates within the Goldfields-Esperance electorate. As such, I will be your regular contact to ask your opinion on issues that are being dealt with by the State Council of WACSSO, therefore if you have any questions about WACSSO or its activities please feel free to contact me.

If invited, I would be more than happy to attend a meeting of you P&C Association to introduce myself and explain the role of WACSSO.

Please contact me if you would like me to attend one of your meetings or if I can help you with any other matters.

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Tony Osborne

Joondalup West

My name is Tony Osborne, I am lucky enough to be the State Councillor for Joondalup West. I'm currently on the executive of the Ocean Reef Senior High School, Clarkson primary school and Alkimos primary school and a member of multiple other Parents and Citizens’ Associations within my electorate.

I am passionate about equality for all students, metro and regional. I believe school size should not be a factor in determining the success of a school.

I have been involved in P&Cs and schools for the past 18 years, starting with my time at Belmont Primary school in 2003. I moved back to Perth in 2018 after 11 years in Regional WA and understood the challenges and pressures in our schools.

My aim as the Joondalup West Councillor is to support and assist in developing effective working relationships between all of the affiliated schools in my electorate.

I also have a passion for having well run P&C canteens, which are trading effectively and supplying healthy food and drinks, and as a result, I’m also on the executive of the Western Australia School Canteen Association.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent the P&Cs of the Joondalup West electorate and welcome any invitations to attend your meetings. I am eager to learn more about your P&C and the issues affecting you.

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Paula Steenson


My name is Paula Steenson and am a member of Waggrakine Primary School and Geraldton Senior High School Parents and Citizens’ Associations.

 With 3 children, the eldest in Year 11, second child in year 5 and my youngest heading into Kindy in 2020, I am kept busy with running around after them as well as my P&C commitments, membership of 2 school boards as well as numerous sporting committees throughout Geraldton.

As the WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the opinions of affiliates within the electorate. As such, I will be in regular contact to ask your opinion on issues that are being dealt with by the State Council of WACSSO. I am also the local contact person for WACSSO, therefore if you have any questions about WACSSO or its activities then please feel free to contact me.

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Michael Montgomery

Peel North

My name is Michael Montgomery and find it a privilege to be the WACSSO State Councillor for Peel North, representing almost forty P&Cs with one still under construction at the time I proudly commenced my role.

I have been a member of the Coogee Primary School P&C since 2018, with my P&C journey first starting in the Fremantle electorate back in 2015 when I was a member of the Newton Primary School P&C, before moving my two children into Coogee Primary School and taking up a role on that P&C also. The fact that I still remained on the Newton Primary P&C up until the end of 2022 is evidence of my passion and support for P&Cs and all that P&Cs do for their school communities.

Being on two committees at the same time simply broadened my view well beyond the walls of one P&C meeting room, essentially helping me see way outside the box and gain a greater understanding of how each P&C has their own unique set of issues, but in many ways, are similar with their struggles where all can benefit from the strength that comes with information sharing and support from others, particularly the resources and training WACSSO offers to WA P&Cs.

Being involved in the two P&Cs has made me comfortable for some time now in reaching out to more than one committee, opening my eyes to how my shared experiences can help strengthen the already strong pool of ideas among each committee, boosting them up when gaps were forming, all of which helped me realise I may have a more useful part to play in a much greater role as a State Councillor.

More about myself, I have been the State Manager for a Melbourne based Furniture Company since 2010, preceded by a nineteen-year policing career, after which I returned to full time university study earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Writing with a minor in Editing and Children’s Literature. I also see parents as the lifelong educators of our children, all too often with my previous career I would find myself intervening with our young population at a time when I felt it was too late, so it only makes sense to encourage parents to get involved in their child’s educational journey, something as a State Councillor I will always strive to do and in advocating for the educational needs of our children throughout our school communities and support our P&Cs along the way in doing the same.

I would love the opportunity to attend your P&C meetings and very much welcome your invites to attend so I can get to meet you all and I encourage anyone who would like to reach out at any time for any reason to give me a call or contact me via email.

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Vivienne Cantem

Peel South

My name is Vivienne Cantem, I am the WACSSO State Councillor for Peel South and a member of Riverside Primary Schools P&C Association. I have two sons who attend Halls Head College Education Support Centre and John Tonkin College Education Support Centre. I am also a parent representative on the School Board at Halls Head ESC.

My volunteer journey began in 1998 when my eldest daughter began primary school in the Catholic Education system, I joined the Parents & Friends Association. My active roles were Secretary for 7years and Fundraising convener for 2years. I also gained my Canteen Managers qualification through WASCA and was employed by the school in 2003. I have always been pro­active in supporting my children's schools, volunteering wherever possible and building positive relationships with staff and other parents.

My volunteer work also extends outside the school sector as I enjoy giving my time to our community, I've worked in hospitality on the Hotham Valley Restaurant Train in Dwellingup from 2011 till 2016. I have also worked in the kiosk at Peel Health campus.

My introduction to WACSSO began in 2014 when I attended my first P&C meeting at Riverside Primary Schools P&C Committee AGM and nominated for the President's role. Being the first Education Support Centre parent to be involved in the P&C as well as holding an office bearer position.

I was completely surprised by how much support and guidance WACSSO provide to so many P&C committees and confused why ours had not thought to accept any. I made it our goal to build a committed and solid relationship between our committee and WACSSO and it's something I'm very proud of today. Training our new members every year through hosting sessions after our AGM. And being the first P&C Committee to implement an Induction after our AGM for new members.

My Aim as State Councillor is to share all the experience and knowledge that I have gained over the years with all my affiliates in my electorate. To help you achieve your goals as a P&C Committee and strengthen your relationship with WACSSO. It is the motivation behind my nomination.

As the WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the opinions of the affiliates within the Peel South electorate. I will be in regular contact to ask your opinion on matters being dealt with by WACSSO State Council.

If I am invited, I would be happy to attend one of your P&C meetings to introduce myself and explain the role of WACSSO or answer any questions you may have regarding any P&C matters.

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Anne Fairbanks 

Vice President - Perth South

My name is Anne Fairbanks. I have two sons attending secondary school, and I am an accountant working in the not-for-profit sector.

It is a privilege to represent P&Cs in the Perth South electorate as your WACSSO State Councillor. I believe every child in WA has the right to a high-quality education, and that the collective voice of parents is vital in working towards that goal.

I have been involved in P&Cs for many years, since my eldest son was in kindy. I have held the role of member, Executive Committee member and Treasurer. I have enjoyed being able to contribute to our school and community, as well as developing some great friendships along the way.

As a WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the views of affiliates within my electorate. I also have a strong interest in strengthening governance and financial practices in P&Cs. I’m available if you have any questions about being a member or office bearer of your P&C. If you would like me to attend a meeting of your P&C Association to introduce myself and explain the role of WACSSO, please feel free to contact me.

I look forward to keeping in touch and hearing about the positive difference your P&C continues to make to public education in your school community.


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Esmond Delaney

South West

My name is Esmond “Esso” Delaney and I am your new State Councillor for the South West.

For those that don’t know me, I am a retired police officer, now living in Australind since April 2021. I live here with my wife Lisa, and son who attends the local government high school. My older children live in Perth. My eldest son is completing his second year of study at UWA.  My three older daughters are currently living and working in the Perth Metro area.

I have served as a State Councillor for Albany, Goldfields- Esperance and now the South West having joined the WACSSO State Council some 13 years ago.

I am a current member of the Eaton Community College P & C, and it will be my hope to visit your P & C at some stage. Being retired allows me the opportunity to assist wherever I may be of some help to your association. 

If I can be of any assistance to you or your association or if you are seeking any help or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for all that you have achieved for the year and I hope to see you in the near future.

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Indah Yildiz

Swan West

My name is Indah Yildiz and a member of the Dianella Heights Primary School Parents and Citizens’ Association. I have three amazing little ones, with the eldest in year 1, my 2nd is in Kindy and the youngest is 2yrs old. I keep myself busy being a mum, President at DHPS P&C and a small business at home.   

Fortunate to be part of a great school to start my WACSSO State Councillor journey and be guided by the educators to understand and appreciate the needs of the school, teachers, children, and staff. I am passionate about schools and the wider community working together as a team to produce better outcomes for our children within the public school system. 

As the WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the opinions of affiliates within the electorate. As such, I will be in regular contact to ask your opinion on issues that are being dealt with by the State Council of WACSSO. I am also the local contact person for WACSSO, therefore if you have any questions about WACSSO or its activities then please feel free to contact me. 


I can be contacted on 0412 595 576 or by email at swanwest@wacsso.wa.edu.au. 

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Kim Allison

Wheatbelt North

My name is Kim Allison and I am a member of the Bolgart Primary School P&C.

I am a busy mum of 4, 3 of whom attend Bolgart Primary School and my eldest, 22, is at TAFE.

I started my P&C journey at Bolgart in 2021, when we moved here from Canberra. The Bolgart community has welcomed us with open arms and the children (10, 7 and 5) have settled beautifully into small school life.

I wear several hats, as many volunteers do. I am President of the Bolgart Primary School P&C, a small business owner and an active member of my community, involved in various local projects outside of my P&C.

I am passionate about giving back to the community that has given us so much. My volunteer positions require different strengths from me, but all require a strong focus in relationship building and stakeholder engagement.
My aim in all my volunteer work is achieving good governance and transparency to ensure the smooth running of the Association.

I look forward to meeting more local Affiliates and to be a voice for Wheatbelt North.

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Kate Hayes-Thompson

Vice President - Wheatbelt South

My name is Kate Hayes-Thompson and I am a member of Bruce Rock Parents and Citizens Association. I have two children at Bruce Rock DHS and one child boarding at Merredin College.

Growing up in regional WA, I then went to the big smoke to qualify as a primary teacher. Teaching brought me to Bruce Rock, where I met and have now settled with my husband and our children on the family farm. Public education as an essential tool and pathway for our children to thrive and succeed on their chosen life path. I am passionate about strong regional communities and the belief that it takes a village to raise a child. Strong, successful schools within our regional areas develop confident children, engaged teenagers and confident adults.

I have been involved with the Bruce Rock P&C since 2013. During this time I have been on the committee and undertaken many roles including secretary, treasurer and school council representative. During these years, I have also served on the Bruce Rock School Board, helping to guide the school through the Independent Public School process whilst chairperson.

As a WACSSO State Councilor, I look forward to working with the affiliates in Wheatbelt South Region. I hope to communicate with you effectively and efficiently, to ask for your thoughts on issues and to convey your opinions to State Council. I hope to work with you to engage your community and share your successes.

If invited, I would be happy to come and visit your P&C Association to introduce myself and get to know your achievements, goals and challenges. If you would like to know more about my role and how I can be of assistance to you, please drop me a line.

I can be contacted on 0458 830 000 or by email at wheatbeltsouth@wacsso.wa.edu.au

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Alex O'Neil

Canning North


If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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Joondalup East


If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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North West


If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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Alex O'Neil

Perth North


If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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Swan East


If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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If you are interested in representing this electorate, please contact the WACSSO Office 6210 0100 and speak to one of our staff.

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