Tell us your memorable P&C story 

Stories can be submitted by individuals who currently belong or have in the past belonged to a P&C, or by a P&C as an Association. Your submission could be about: 


  • a P&C Good News story detailing your most memorable P&C led campaign, event or fundraiser
  • a member's story about what drew you to join the P&C  
  • a member’s story detailing your most memorable moment being part of the P&C 
  • a story from or about an interesting or notable past or current member, which could include their achievements or successes 
  • a story about a special or remarkable contribution by a P&C member 
  • a historical story about the formation of your P&C Association 
  • any other special P&C related story or anecdote you would like to share! 

Submitting a Good News Story puts your P&C in the running to win a variety of prizes, to be presented at the next WACSSO Conference.

Stories will be published on one (or more!) of our platforms, including Facebook, P&C Voice and eNews and, at Conference. You can attach up to six photos to accompany your story. Please include important information like years and dates. We may edit your story for length or comprehension. We will assume consent to publish any photos that have been submitted.

Upload your documents here
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Upload your documents here, if you have more documents please email to
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