Recognise your volunteers

"Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."

At WACSSO, we take every opportunity possible to thank and celebrate our priceless P&C volunteers, your contribution to society is invaluable. Year after year we are impressed by your passion and dedication to public education.

P&Cs not only raise much-needed funds for their schools, they selflessly give countless hours of their time and provide a strong voice for the school community.

Do you have some outstanding volunteers on your P&C Association, working to better your school community?

Research shows that volunteers live happier and healthier lives, so we know that volunteering is a reward in itself. However, it's always a good idea to acknowledge and thank your hard working volunteers for their efforts. 

A certificate of recognition for volunteers is available through the link below, it allows you to enter your volunteer’s name, principals details and print off the certificate for signing and presentation. Please note that when we receive a Certificate request, we will request a copy of the minutes from the meeting at which the certificate recipient was agreed to, so it's a good idea to build that step into your timeline.

Arrange to have your Principal sign the certificates and award them at the next school assembly, P&C meeting or big school event. 

Volunteer Certificate Template Volunteer Certificate Example

Long-Serving P&C Member Award

At the 2021 WACSSO Annual Conference we announced the launch of the Long-Serving P&C Member Award. The award aims to recognise P&C members who have served on a P&C (or multiple P&Cs) for a significant period of time. These are members who have contributed countless hours to their school community.

There are three categories for the Long-Serving P&C Member Award, these are:

Bronze Award: 15 years of service

Silver Award: 20 years of service

Gold Award: 30 years of service

If you know a P&C member who is eligible for the award and you'd like to organise them to receive a certificate, please get in touch with with your expression of interest. Please note that as a part of the nomination process, we will request a copy of the minutes from the meeting at which the certificate recipient was agreed to, so it's a good idea to build that step into your timeline.

Certificates of merit

WACSSO awards Certificates of Merit on behalf of affiliated P&C Associations to P&C members who have given long and meritorious service (minimum of 10 years).

This Certificate is a wonderful way to recognise longstanding contributors in your school community.

Please fill out the following form to nominate a long-serving P&C member in your school community.

To be eligible, the nominee must be part of a WACSSO affiliated P&C Association. Please note that on receiving the form, we will request a copy of the minutes from the meeting at which the certificate recipient was agreed to, so it's a good idea to build that step into your timeline. Please call the WACSSO office if you have any queries while completing this form.

Nominate a long-serving P&C volunteer for a Certificate of Merit

Your details
Please enter your own full name.
Please enter your own phone number.
Please enter your own email address.
Please enter your school name.
Nominee details
Please enter the full name of the P&C member you are nominating.
Please enter the school/s that this person has been a P&C member at.
If providing a school address, envelope will be marked 'Private and Confidential.' Please allow 15 working days from date of approval for Certificate to be posted.
Details of service
How long has this person served as a P&C member? (Must be 10 years+)
Please enter a description of the positions held by the person you are nominating, along with the duties they undertook in these positions.
Please enter a description of the service given by the person you are nominating, along with details of any special activities they have been involved in on behalf of the P&C and any community activities where relevant.
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