P&C Webinars
Through affiliation with WACSSO, P&Cs are able to access a host of P&C learning opportunities, including our free P&C Training Program and webinars.
Past and future webinar topics:
- The P&C Constitution
- Engaging Volunteers
- Running Effective Meetings
- Working with your P&C Team
- Building Thriving Facebook Communities
- Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
- Run a smooth P&C by implementing useful By-Laws
You can join one of these one-hour webinars from anywhere! As long as you are able to connect to the Internet, using either a PC or laptop, you are invited to participate.
We will update this page with scheduled webinars. You will be able to register your interest here. Instructions will be emailed to you. Webinars are FREE and very EASY to join.
WACSSO Webinar Topics
Our 60-minute webinars are open for any P&C member in WA to join and will be run at scheduled times. To book your place in a webinar, click here.
P&C Operations and Governance (60 mins) webinar will cover:
- Overview of the Office Bearer roles
- Overview of the P&C Constitution
- P&C Governance
Role of the P&C President/Vice President (90 mins)
Role of the P&C Secretary (60 mins)
Role of the P&C Treasurer (60 mins)
Running an Effective Meeting (60 mins) webinar will cover:
- Preparing for a meeting
- Meeting structure
- Rules of debate
- Tips for dealing with common meeting issues
Previously delivered webinars can be found on our YouTube page
P&Cs are also welcome to contact the training team via email and book a bespoke session. Typically, bespoke webinars go for 60-90 min and cover similar content to the P&C Operations webinars, tailored to meet the requirements of your P&C.
- speakers or headphones (microphone not required)
- a keyboard to input questions